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Ottica SM - Rating ekomi 4.84 / 5 - 34.525 verified reviews
Sales until Sunday 23th

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Customer support

Hi, how can we help you?

Do you have a question about an order, product or return?

We want to help you in the best way possible, and for this we put at your disposal several channels of contact!

We remind you that our customer service is active from Monday to Friday. Remember to always provide the ORDER NUMBER!

We will respond to your messages and emails within 48 working hours!

Request information

Telephone support is not active

For info, contact us to:

[email protected]

Given the high volume of calls from our customers, in case a long waiting time is found, we suggest to send an email and wait for a response that will arrive within the day.

Customer care by phone is active from Monday to Friday

from 10 am to 12 and from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm (GMT+2)

+39 0549 992528

Outside of these hours, please send us an email.

Come visit us:

Salita alla Rocca, 21 - 47890 - San Marino (RSM)

Via Eugippo, 6 - 47890 - San Marino (RSM)

Eye examination, optical laboratory, graduated glasses: Via Piana 27 - 47890 - San Marino (RSM)

Assistance for prescription lenses WhatsApp +393668451987

We are open every day (Saturday, Sunday and holidays included)

From 10:00 to 19:00 (all day)